Custom Disc Golf Shirts & Accessories
Did you know you can CUSTOMIZE EVERYTHING at Disc Golf Den? That’s right! You can change the product color, add text, upload your own picture, and much much more!
Below we have a short tutorial letting you know how to go about making edits to an item. Please note, certain items DO NOT allow for certain print types or colors – the editor will let you know when you do something wrong, and alert you to make a change before you can add your item to your cart. If you customize something that has your name or personal information on it and you need to make a return, you may be limited to an exchange/return based only on that your item was misprinted or the sizing was not as you expected. Please make sure to CHECK YOUR WORK before you add an item to the cart – we are NOT responsible for typos or spelling errors.
Rule #1 – Don’t put a white print on a light colored shirt – it will not stand out
Rule #2 – Don’t put a black print on a dark colored shirt – it will not be noticeable or stand out
Rule #3 – Sizing is available for ALL of our items. To make sure you get the right size, measure a shirt you own and love and compare the measurements. This is the best way to find the best fit. Also consider that 100% Cotton items WILL SHRINK A LITTLE or A LOT depending on how you wash your clothes.
How to Customize Your Item:
First, you if you are on any of our main category pages, each item has a little black edit button in the corner – Want to edit the item? Just Click It!

If you have already clicked on the “Shop Now” link below the item, your screen will look a little different, but the same button will be available. However, at this point, if all you want to do is change the color of the shirt, you can simply make your color selection, choose your size and add the item to your cart.

If you click on the edit button you will get a screen that looks like what you see below. From there, you can change the Item Type, Color, Add a Graphic, Add Text, or even Upload Your Own Image. You can also change the area of the item you edit – so you can add your NAME or PDGA# to the back of the shirt, and leave the design as is on the front. Clicking the “Add to Cart” button will prompt you to pick your size, so if you are wondering where that option is, don’t worry, it will pop up.
As you can see, you are also able to move, rotate and re-size the existing graphic on the shirt, or delete it much like any image editor. This editor is also mobile friendly and should be fairly easy to use whether you are on your phone, tablet or computer.

So, are you ready to start shopping for your new favorite disc golf gear? Click below to start shopping!